What A Tail To Behold by MaccusNormann on February 27, 2018 at 10:14 am Chapter: Origin Story └ Tags: Abel, origin story Related Comics ¬ Now, Abel is heisse scheisse! Ready for a scuffle Painful Tattoos A proposition? Long time no see
I’m kinda jalous, I think it would be awesome to have a tail like that, but I wouldn’t mind to skip the torture thing
Demon Tails… OH…. that makes sense now… (Of course it’s “tails”, not “tales”!)
I’m very curious to see what this guy’s motives are. He almost seems like he’s been preparing Abel for something…
Preparing a tool can sometimes mean removing rust or bending it to the correct shape.
Or torturing it until it proves its self reliable
Is the red guy a bloodling that became the king and is now preparing for his retirement by training Abel to replace him? ‘Cause that’s what it seems like.
So Abel becomes Apex