No head? No Problem.
Now we get back to Abel, who seems to be having a few issues with his boxing buddy.
Quick question, what do you guys think of the art style as of late? I was going back and reviewing old pages, and I’m trying to tell whether the quality has gotten better or worse. If you guys have any opinions or suggestions I’d be happy to hear them .
Also if you guys have any suggestions about the general site, I would be happy to hear those as well.
I wouldn’t say so much better or worse in comparison to the old works but different, although I’d say it’s a better fit for this serious atmosphere you’ve got goin
To me, the art is of secondary importance to the story. So far the story is first rate — hew to that line, and concern yourself less with the details.
i think the art has gotten better.
I really have to say your artwork has improved considerably; i could say go back to the first page and see the change from there, but i got to say that even from the first true page of the backstory (the nightclub scene) It is easy to see the change and improvement.
The raw art style has gotten better, far better, But some of the earlier pages (not the really early ones, but the 2015 ones are a good example) that artstyle fits better for your NSFW/joke pages, as it comes across as cleaner. Basically: the super detailed really awesome stuff, keep for backstory, ‘line and fill’ almost from the older comics, keep for humour/nsfw as it lets you focus less on art and more on the story and humour.
Different. Qualitywise, id say its MUCH better. The composition has improved tremendously! More advanced backgrounds, more depth-of-field, better detailing and shading. I love the new style!
Just finished re-reading the archives. Style has certainly evolved over the years. The latest changes I’m fine with. I can’t really say they’re objectively better, but they aren’t worse, and if they work better for you, run with it.
In comparison to the first chapters, this fight feels a bit drawn-out imo. Art style feels a lot “heavier” than before, but the details are nice