Gasp! by MaccusNormann on May 15, 2018 at 9:42 pm Chapter: Origin Story Okay, show of hands, whosaw this coming? └ Tags: Abel, kyra, oh shit, origin story Related Comics ¬ Seem like a cheery bunch… Prison rules, bitches. Now, Abel is heisse scheisse! Going on a Field trip She’s also Known as Kyra of ‘That exact specific pose for some reason’
so here begins the story of how abel rises through the ranks and becomes king making kyra his second in command, or Enigma may pull a fast one on us and say “abel is not apex”
i almost didn’t notice it was Kyra except for her tail made it very easy too.( the amount of clothing confused me somehow)
pfft everyone of course, it’s not like it’s a plot twist or anything.